Tuesday, October 12, 2021



Chapter 3 : Internet and Web Services

Theoretical Questions and answers:


Q1. How will you access information using URL and Search Engines? Discuss.


Information can be accessed using URL by typing it in the address bar of the web browser.

Search engine is a tool designed to search web for information according to the given keywords. The keywords are typed in the search box of the search engine.


Q2. How will you find your friend on the Internet? Write the name of few sites.


We can find our friend on the Internet by taking the help of the numerous sites available and search engines. The search can be performed by using the e-mail address, phone number or postal address of the friend.

Few sites through which we can do it are facebook.com, peekyou.com, spokeo.com, privateeye.com, familysearch.com, classmates.com and peoplefinder.com


Q3. Describe E-mail address.


The e-mail address have the following components:

·         The username (chosen by the user)

·         @ symbol followed by domain name of the email service provider

Example: apsb@gmail.com where apsb is the username and gmail.com is the domain name of the email service provider.


Q4. What do you mean by chatting?


Chatting mean exchange of messages with other people who are using the Internet at the same time you are using.


Q5. Write some common threats pertaining to social networking sites.


Some common threats pertaining to social networking sites are:

·         Unknown users on Internet can misuse your personal information disclosed by you on your account.

·         A lot of abusive and unwanted content may be present on social networking sites.

·         Fake identity of someone known to you.


Q6. Discuss the various categories of Usenet newsgroups.


The various categories of Usenet newsgroups are

·         Comp       :           Everything related to computer

·         Sci                        :           Discussions on Science and Engineering

·         Soc           :           Social groups

·         News        :           News about Usenet

·         Rec           :           Recreational subjects like sports, music, arts

·         Talk           :           Random discussion on controversial subjects

·         Misc          :           Topics related to health, law, etc


Q7. Write down few advantages and disadvantages of blogs.


Advantages of blogs are:

·         It can be read by almost everyone who has access to Internet.

·         Students can improve their writing skills by writing articles

·         Individuals learn to express their opinion and exchange their views on topic of common interest.

·         It is a place for students and individuals to share their articles.


Disadvantages of blogs are:

·         It involves a lot of time to update and post an entry on the blog.

·         Not all information can be shared on the blogs, hence it may not be useful for everyone.

·         There is no confidentiality.


Q8. Discuss the major functions provided by E-governance.


The major functions provided by E-governance are

·         e-administration: It involves improvement of government processes by cutting costs, managing performance, making strategic connections within government and creating empowerment.

·         e-citizens and e-services:  It involves connecting citizens to government  by talking to citizens and supporting democracy and improving public services.

·         e-society: It involves building interactions beyond the boundaries of government by developing communities, building government partnerships etc.


Q9. What are the advantages of online banking?


Advantages of online banking are:

·         Convenience of banking anytime.

·         Organization of work.

·         Reduced paperwork

·         Confidentiality


Q10. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of e-shopping.


Advantages of e-shopping are:

·         Saves time and money

·         Availability of variety of products 24 x 7 hours

·         Home delivery

·         Lots of payment options


Disadvantages of e-shopping are:

·         Delay in delivery of products.

·         Inferior quality product may be delivered.

·         Sometimes shipping charges are more than cost of product

·         Fraud can take place.

·         Problem in returning the product.


Q11. Write short notes on the following:

(a)URL                       (b) Video conferencing                 (c) Social networking

(d) E-governance   (e) E-banking                                   (f) E-shopping



(a)  URL: It is Uniform Resource Locator. It describes the address of the website which can be used to access it. It consists of the following components:

·         The web protocol

·         The name of the web server

·         The directory on that server

·         The file within that directory

Example: http://www.citytech.com/admin/index.html


(b)  Video conferencing: It is conducting a conference between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data.


(c)  Social networking: It is grouping of individuals or organizations into specific groups.


(d)  E-governance: It is the application of Information Technology to the processes of Government functioning to bring about a smart governance. It involves transformation from being a passive information and service provider to active citizen involvement.


(e)  E-banking: It is also known as Electronic Fund Transfer. It uses computer and electronic technology as a substitute for cheques and other paper transactions.


(f)   E-shopping: It is also known as online shopping. It means purchasing products or services directly from a seller over the Internet using a web browser by giving online or offline payments.


Monday, October 11, 2021

Chapter 1: Internet

Chapter 1: Internet
MCQ Questions and Answers.


Answers are highlighted with green color.


1.      A website is a collection of :

a.       HTML document

b.      Graphics Files

c.       Audio and Video files

d.      All of the Above

2.      HTML is an acronym for:

a.       Hypertext Transfer Mail Language

b.      High Tech Mail Language

c.       Hypertext Markup Language

d.      Hyper teach markup language.

3.      The first page that you normally view at a web site is its:

a.       Home page

b.      Master page

c.       First page

d.      Banner page

4.      The internet is most often used for the exchange of _______ and _______.

a.       Data and information

b.      Digital and analog

c.       Both

d.      None

5.      When you visit a website, it will open the page set as _______ of the website.

a.       Website

b.      Home page

c.       Email

d.      ISP

6.      The first page on a website that allows you to navigate to other pages via menu system or links, is known as :

a.       Front page

b.      Primary page

c.       Home page

d.      First page

7.      Web pages on a site are linked together through a system of ______.

a.       Hypertext

b.      Hyperlinks

c.       Hypermedia

d.      Hypertool

8.      Online personal journal where one can post their entries to which others can post comments is called ________

a.       Blog

b.      Newsgroups

c.       Website

d.      None of these

9.      Which of the following protocols is used for WWW?

a.       FTP

b.      HTTP

c.       W3C

d.      None of these

10.  Which protocol is used on most URL Addresses?

a.       HTML

b.      HTP

c.       HTTP

d.      HLINK

11.  The ______ are documents that uses HTTP.

a.       Hypertext

b.      Word document

c.       Spreadsheet

d.      None of the above

12.  URL stands for

a.       Universal Resource Locator

b.      Uniform Resource Location

c.       Uniform resource locator

d.      None of the above

13.  Which of these is a part of URL?

a.       IP address

b.      Port Number

c.       Network name

d.      Domain name

14.  Which portion of the URL below records the directory or folder of the desired resource?


a.       http

b.      firstFloor

c.       Shoes.html

d.      www.somestore.com

15.  The address of location of the document on the world wide web is called its ____.

a.       Web address

b.      Web site

c.       Web client

d.      None of the above

16.  In URL http://www.pacein.com/pr/main.htm which component identifies the protocol or type of the server?

a.       http

b.      www.pacein.com

c.       /pr/main.htm

d.      None

17.  In URL http://www.pacein.com/pr/main.htm which component identifies the web-site?

a.       http

b.      www.pacein.com

c.       /pr/main.htm

d.      None

18.  In URL http://www.pacein.com/pr/main.htm which component identifies the path of a web page?

a.       http

b.      www.pacein.com

c.       …com/pr/main.htm

d.      None

19.  The equipment needed to allow home computers to connect to the internet is called a ?

a.       Modem

b.      Gateway

c.       Monitor

d.      Peripheral

20.  The server on the internet is also known as a

a.       Hub

b.      Host

c.       Gateway

d.      Repeater

21.  A user can get files from another computer on the internet by using

a.       HTTP

b.      TELNET

c.       UTP

d.      FTP

22.  The communication protocol used by the internet is :

a.       http

b.      www

c.       TCP/IP

d.      FTP

23.  The first network that planted the seeds of Internet was:

a.       ARPANET

b.      NSFnet

c.       Vnet

d.      Both a and b

24.  Voice mail, e-mail, online service, the internet and the WWW are all example of

a.       Computer categories

b.      Connectivity

c.       Telecommuting

d.      None of the above

25.  Internet is governed by

a.       ICANN

b.      IETF

c.       Inter NIC

d.      None of the these

26.  Internet is

a.       Dynamic system

b.      Complex system

c.       Decentralized system

d.      All of the above

27.  In reality, the internet protocol recognizes only

a.       An IP address

b.       A location of the host

c.       A postal mail address

d.      None of the above

28.  A small network making up the internet and also having a small numbers of computers within it is called

a.       Host

b.      Address

c.       Subdomain

d.      None of the above

29.  Computers on the internet owned and operated by education institutions form part of the

a.       .com domain

b.      .edu domain

c.       .mil domain

d.      None of the above

30.  Which of the following networking solution is suitable for networking in a building?

a.       WAN

b.      MAN

c.       LAN

d.      All of the above

31.  Main protocol used in internet

a.       X.25

b.      IPX/SPX

c.       TCP/IP

d.      Token bus



  Chapter 3 : Internet and Web Services Theoretical Questions and answers:   Q1. How will you access information using URL and Search En...